Moments by Madril Photography: Blog 2020-03-16T07:31:00Z (C) Moments by Madril Photography Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] Baby Jaxx

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2018-09-02T23:35:39Z 2018-09-02T23:35:39Z Rivers and Roads....

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2018-06-14T23:15:27Z 2018-06-14T23:15:27Z Sierra Senior Sunflower Sesssion

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2018-05-26T15:57:24Z 2018-05-26T15:57:24Z Rankin James Lark

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2017-10-24T13:10:41Z 2017-10-24T13:10:41Z Lemonade...Bubbles and Evening Light....

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2017-06-15T21:41:46Z 2017-06-15T21:41:46Z Jasmine Johnson 2017

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2017-05-16T01:20:07Z 2017-05-16T01:20:07Z Autumn and Emerald

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2017-05-06T18:37:25Z 2017-05-06T18:37:25Z Sweet Little Oliver

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2017-04-19T12:53:49Z 2017-04-19T12:53:49Z Lane Lopez

I have had the pleasure of watching this young man grow into a wonderful human being.  He is one of the kindest people that I know and I feel blessed to have him in my life.  I still can't believe he is graduating!  Lane, I love you and I wish you all the best in the newest chapter of your life.  

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2017-04-02T19:42:33Z 2017-04-02T19:42:33Z Water Canyon Family Session

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2017-03-23T16:54:51Z 2017-03-23T16:54:51Z Happy 1st Birthday Mila Rayne!

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2017-02-28T14:00:42Z 2017-02-28T14:00:42Z Little Elsie

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2017-02-23T13:46:54Z 2017-02-23T13:46:54Z Bosque Family Session


I had the pleasure of photographing this beautiful family near the San Antonio Bosque this weekend.  I have to compliment Mom and Dad for raising such a polite and well behaved group of kiddos.  They were such troopers and did every crazy thing that I asked them. Thank you so much for allowing me to capture these memories for you!


Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2016-10-05T01:20:48Z 2016-10-05T01:20:48Z I see Fire

Wow!  That's the word that sums up this session with a gorgeous mama-to-be.  I am in love with the uniqueness of these images.  Initially, I was upset that we wouldn't get to use my favorite little bosque spot due to a wildfire that swept through the area in the Spring.  I was then reminded that this little ones Dad is a wildland firefighter, so we decided to use the burned out bosque as a setting for part of the session. I love the dramatic and moody!  After the bosque session we headed up the hill and were treated to the beautiful golden light of  "golden hour", and as if  that wasn't enough the night ended with a fire in the sky at sunset!  I wish the parents to be all the luck in the world with their new little one....thank you for allowing me to capture this special time for you!



Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2016-08-29T23:12:20Z 2016-08-29T23:12:20Z Don't let Anyone Dull your Sparkle

In a day and age where everyone thinks it's okay to judge....don't let anyone dull your daughter's sparkle.  Let's do what we can as parents to end cyber-bullying.  I'm so tired of my gorgeous daughter coming home telling me that someone has put a mean comment on one of her photos or that someone has taken a screen-shot of one of her photos and it has been passed around social media and made fun of.   Girls shouldn't live in fear of posting things on social media because they may be judged or made fun of.  We as parents have decided to allow our kids to have we should be responsible for what they share and make sure that they are building each other up instead of tearing each other down with their comments.  Please have a talk with your son or daughter about what are appropriate posts and what are appropriate comments.

Love this hardworking, sweet, kind-hearted girl to the moon and back. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL inside and out....don't let anyone tell you differently!  Don't let ANYONE dull your sparkle!


Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2016-07-30T23:27:24Z 2016-07-30T23:27:24Z Bathtime

When Grady's mom and I decided on a bubble bath theme for his pictures I was giddy with excitement!  This little guy stole my heart!  His little smile was infectious and I had so much fun with this session.  Thank you to his uncle for letting us invade for a bit to capture this sweet little story. this session!

PS.  Photo credit goes to my Momma for the last slide.  It's a picture of my favorite cowboy and my hero growing Daddy.

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2016-07-22T16:46:36Z 2016-07-22T16:46:36Z Forever Young....

One of the many blessings that has come from Elise playing soccer in Albuquerque has been the amazing people we have met and the friendships that Elise has made.  I recently had the opportunity to photograph one of her teammates.  This young lady is not only a talented soccer player, but one of the sweetest girls you could ever meet!   She also happens to be drop dead GORGEOUS!  Thank you for letting me capture these memories for you.

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2016-07-21T01:59:34Z 2016-07-21T01:59:34Z Reighlyn's Lemonade Stand

Little Ms. Reighlyn was so much fun.  She was having no part of my shenanigan's at first, but once I got her to open up she was the prefect little model....sass and all!  Love the vintage inspired dress that her Mom picked out!  I enjoyed this session so much!  Stay tuned for info on upcoming mini-sessions with this setup!!!!!

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2016-07-14T19:26:14Z 2016-07-14T19:26:14Z Princess Tatum

What an absolute treat to photograph Ms. Tatum yesterday evening! She is so much fun and such a natural in front of the camera and Mom always has the best ideas!  Love this session sooooo much!


Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2016-07-09T00:50:42Z 2016-07-09T00:50:42Z Happy Birthday America!

Elise and I have made it our tradition to do a photo shoot on Independence Day. So happy that she is still willing to put up with my endless requests!  We even got Dad to hold the flash for us.   As the clouds rolled in this afternoon I knew that the sunset wouldn't disappoint...and it didn't!  

I can't tell you how grateful I am to all the men and women that serve our amazing country.  Freedom isn't free and I feel great gratitude toward the selfless people that serve and protect our great nation each and every day.  Happy Birthday America!

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2016-07-05T04:07:18Z 2016-07-05T04:07:18Z Welcome to the World Kingston!

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2016-06-11T15:31:26Z 2016-06-11T15:31:26Z Warrior

A fun shoot with my girlie yesterday evening. The wind was terrible....but we had fun anyway. :)


Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2016-05-22T17:24:29Z 2016-05-22T17:24:29Z Muncy Boys

Meet my cute little nephews. :)  

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2016-05-09T03:18:06Z 2016-05-09T03:18:06Z Camryn Sager 2016

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2016-04-28T01:41:56Z 2016-04-28T01:41:56Z The Sunset Ride

I recently had the pleasure of photographing the beautiful connection between this 2016 senior and her horses....such fun!  I put together this video for her Mom and Dad as a keepsake.  One of my favorite sessions to date!  Thank you for allowing me to capture these memories for you!



Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2016-04-26T03:15:27Z 2016-04-26T03:15:27Z Cathryn Wellborn - Senior 2016

I had the pleasure of working with this beautiful senior this past week.  I've always felt that senior portraits weren't my strong point, but I have to say that I had a ton of fun with this session!  Thank you Cathryn for putting up with my endless ideas and craziness!  Best of luck to you in whatever adventure life brings you!


Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2016-04-04T00:27:52Z 2016-04-04T00:27:52Z Welcome to the world LB Johnson!


Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2016-01-06T04:20:26Z 2016-01-06T04:20:26Z SNOW!!!!!


Just a short fusion video of our fun in the snow this afternoon.  I hope everyone is staying safe and warm this cold winter night!


Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2015-12-28T05:03:56Z 2015-12-28T05:03:56Z Goodson Family

I was lucky enough to meet up with my Cousin and his young family this weekend for a quick photo session.  So blessed to get photograph all the beautiful people in my life!  


Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2015-12-09T05:18:04Z 2015-12-09T05:18:04Z Missing my Camera....

I've started a new job, and I am really enjoying my work....but it has left me exhausted and my camera has been neglected for the last month.  I can't tell you how much I have been missing my camera.  Since we had a short break from school and I had a chance to slow down and rest a bit....I finally felt like taking my girlie out to do a quick photoshoot.  I had plans for this dress that involved a field of purple flowers, but the summer got away from me before I could make it happen.  So, Elise and I headed out to the desert to see what I could come up with.  I have to say that I am pretty excited about the results.  It just reminded me that I need to take more time for myself and make time for the things that I enjoy, and I encourage everyone to make sure you do the same for deserve it!


Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2015-12-01T03:16:44Z 2015-12-01T03:16:44Z Soccer at Sunset

My girl doing what she loves...morning...noon...and's never far from her mind. :)

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2015-09-06T03:59:45Z 2015-09-06T03:59:45Z My Sunshine

Elise and I (and our ever present four-legged friend, Izzy) recently went on a hiking adventure in Water Canyon.  The day was beautiful! The New Mexico Monsoon had filled the streams and it was cloudy, cool and so enchanting.  I had lugged along my big camera, and I was so happy that I did.   I put together a video of our day together, and I love it so much that I thought I would share.  I can't believe how much my girl has grown and changed this Summer.  My tiny little girl is turning into such a beauty and I am proud to say that she is just as beautiful on the inside.  Love this girl to the moon and back; she definately is my sunshine....




Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2015-07-14T16:29:01Z 2015-07-14T16:29:01Z Livianna


Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2015-07-12T13:41:51Z 2015-07-12T13:41:51Z Take time to Enjoy the Quiet Moments

As  I was picking up my soon to be high schooler from his track practice, I glanced in the mirror and saw a half grown boy peering back at me.  The first thought that raced through my mind in the world did this happen?!  It seems like only yesterday that I was cleaning up endless messes, reading countless hours of "Green Eggs and Ham", and chasing that tiny little boy with boundless energy.  Time is something that we all too often take for granted.  I wish I had taken more time to enjoy those quiet moments with my children....  

At a recent session I got the idea in my head that I wanted to somehow capture and preserve these tender moments for this client.  My idea was simple....capture and preserve the tender moments between Mother and Child.  I purposely asked Mom to  keep the outfits simple, so as not to distract from the purpose of my mission.  I also asked that Mom just talk and play with her little one, to avoid having too many posed shots.  I have to admit that the result of my experiment was one of my all time favorite sessions. The connection was so simple and beautiful.  My client will now have this wonderful keepsake video and photographs to reflect on when she is peering into her own backseat at her half grown daughter....



Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2015-05-19T20:22:20Z 2015-05-19T20:22:20Z Lopez Senior Preview

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2015-04-29T03:50:05Z 2015-04-29T03:50:05Z Chicks for Goals

Recently we made the mistake of promising Ms. Elise that we would get her chicks if she scored goals.  She ended up with a hat trick(three goals in one game), and we ended up with 4 extra chickens. :/ I have to admit that it has been really fun watching them grow and change and Elise has enjoyed them very much.  :)  She even named them...this is little striker. ;)



Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2015-04-10T20:20:32Z 2015-04-10T20:20:32Z Wheeler Senior Preview

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2015-03-16T16:34:25Z 2015-03-16T16:34:25Z Among the Red and Golden Reeds

I have been eager to try out my relatively new 135mm lens, so I (once again) took my little beauty out for a quick photo shoot.  A lot of people don't like the tones of the Winter, but I love the warm light and the brown tones of this time of year.



Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2015-01-27T02:27:00Z 2015-01-27T02:27:00Z Hunting with my Boy

Anyone will tell you that I am NOT a hunter.  Since my son and husband are, I am learning to love the laughter, fun and beautiful photo opportunities that come along with tagging along with them from time to time.  Although, I must admit that I have to close my eyes when it comes to the actual hunting part.  Here are a couple of shots that I took this evening while quail hunting with my boy.  


Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2015-01-05T01:39:28Z 2015-01-05T01:39:28Z Desert Winter

My daughter is such a great sport.  I am always getting these crazy photo ideas in my head and she helps my vision become a reality on a regular basis.  Not only did she get up early on her vacation, but she put on a fancy dress and stood out in the freezing cold just for me.  I feel like such a lucky Mom. :)




Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2015-01-01T22:14:28Z 2015-01-01T22:14:28Z Lopez Boys

I was lucky enough to FINALLY get to photograph my handsome nephews and their beautiful Momma this morning.  Love these three people to the moon and back!

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2014-12-30T01:49:23Z 2014-12-30T01:49:23Z Gorgeous Little Marcos

Just a few of my favorites from little Marcos' session.  Little Marcos gets the award for the smiliest baby ever!  

Moments by Madril Photography [email protected] (C) Moments by Madril Photography 2014-12-17T20:09:15Z 2014-12-17T20:09:15Z